The Church at 4Points exists to cultivate transformed disciples of Jesus from the neighborhoods to the nations for the global glory of God.

The commission of Jesus for His disciples, dictates our mission as a faith community. We desire to see multiplication happen through the cultivation of disciples, missional communities, and other church plants. Because of the gospel of Jesus, we see our identities as:

We are family because we have the same Father. Our Father adopts us as His children and calls us into His Kingdom. As a family, we are devoted to the worship and glory of God alone with our lives. We are also a people living distinctly in the world as we are "..being renewed in knowledge in the image of our creator.. (Col. 3:10)"

We are missionaries because we have been filled by the Spirit and commissioned together by God on the same mission. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we live on mission together to be faithful to God's calling to make disciples of all nations.
Who we are determines what we do. As a family, we relate to each other through the lens of the gospel. We share meals together, cry together, celebrate, forgive, and support one another.    
Belief in the gospel and the identities it gives us lead to some deep seated convictions we seek to live out together as a faith family.

1. To deepen our understanding of God through His word  -  God's Words are foundational in the formation and sustaining of His people. We want to center everything we do around the Word.

2. To depend on God for all of life and ministry  -   We are completely dependent upon God for life and salvation. We strive to live in dependence on Him through consistent prayer and increasing faith.

3. To demonstrate the gospel  -  "But God demonstrates His love for us. (Rom 5:8) Jesus is the demonstration of God's love. We are compelled to proclaim His message as well as model His means of selfless service and love. We seek to demonstrate the gospel to "one another" as well as the world around us.

4. To declare the gospel  -   "And this gospel will be proclaimed throughout the whole world. (Matt 24:14) The gospel is a message to be proclaimed to ourselves, to one another as family, and to the very ends of the earth. We live to see this accomplished in the life of our faith family.